Friday, July 13, 2012


   Assalamualaikum w.b.t.! Feelin' good? Hahaha, alhamdulillah, Allah is still giving you the chance to be in this around-the-corner Ramadhan.. BTW, what is Ramadhan? Ramadhan is the eighth month of the Hijri calendar. Ramadhan is month of ni'mat (pleasure) where Allah s.w.t. blessed all the good deeds that Muslims done. Ramadhan is also known as fasting month where Muslims are made compulsory to fast from the sunrise (Fajr) to the sunset (Maghrib). Well, during my young days, I feel fasting is torturing, hurting and trying to kill me. As time passed by, I learnt that fasting is a kind of privilege given by Allah to His servants for many reasons. Only He knows what the best for His creatures. So, remember guys, always take this golden opportunity to refresh yourselves and gain pahala as much as you can cuz this year's Ramadhan could be your last one. Maas Salamah, until the next time! Bye2!