Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013.. LET IT ROLL!!

Assalamualaikum readers! So, now, we're moving on to 2013, as time moves on without stopping even a split second.. 2012 is going to end soon and I hope we are all ready to face up new challenges on the new year. Well, for me, its the time. The time to get on serious business. Its SPM people! This is the real life and death matter.. Yeah, for sure its gonna be a busy year, but perhaps i can make it like less stressful and make my final year in SAS as the amazing one. With the addition of the "once in a lifetime" golden jubilee celebration, the year is going to be a tough one really.. Haha.. I've once heard on quotes saying that stress builds up people.. And of course it make me kinda like to get myself into the stressful lifestyle.. So, buckle up people.. Hold on to your seats as we're ready to face up new challenges.. Let the blood sweat and tears be the factor to get 10 A+ next year..


Let the new year be the avenue for us to tighten our relationship with Allah s.w.t. Don't let our past overshadow our future.. Allah is the Forgiver. He forgives those who repent to Him. Insha Allah, your life will be blessed. Let the new year be the best than the year we've been through. Till, we meet again soon.. :)