Friday, February 01, 2013


In the world where we live without limitations, the great value of sincerity is fading and disappearing from the people in it. People nowadays only look for things they can get if they've done something. In the other words, the 'free help' term seems lost in them. What will you say if a father needs to pay for his children to stay and being served from them. Well, it maybe a nonsense when we first hear it but truthfully, this is what happening in this world today. Those who are poor will forever stuck in poverty and those who are old will forever be abandoned. If this could happen in our generation, then what would happen in the future? But before I go any further, let me give you a brief explanation on the definition of the word, 'sincerity'.

If you refer to most dictionaries, sincerity means  the virtue of one who speaks and acts truly about his or her own feelings, thoughts, and desires. In Islam, sincerity is described as a manner of giving or doing something without hoping for any change or advantages. When we combine these two definitions, it will be giving or doing something truly with our own desire and feelings without wanting any change. Making it easy, it is defined as an act of giving help that comes deep in the heart. The Oxford English Dictionary and most scholars state that sincerity from sincere is derived from the Latin sincerus meaning clean, pure, sound (1525–35). Sincerus may have once meant "one growth" (not mixed), from sin- (one) and crescere (to grow). Crescere is cognate with "Ceres," the goddess of grain, as in "cereal."

Though its difficult yet impossible to see people give out donation sincerely, as the current young generation, we must turn this paradigm to its normal. We still have time and we still can make the change. Ending this post, let us pray that Allah will help us in all our good efforts. :)