Thursday, December 11, 2014


We all know the fact that nobody in this world was born as a racist. We were instilled by the positive values of tolerance and good assumption towards other races at home and even at school, as we are currently living in a multiracial country. But do we noticed that, our position as Malays is threatened as time moves on? I know I should not write this in my blog but I will tell you 3 true stories (I got to change the names by request of someone) for you to sit back and evaluate my points whether it is true or it is just something I created to be the next Ibrahim Ali:

Story 1

Ani was an excellent student who studied in Sekolah Menengah (P) Pudu. The school principal was a Chinese, and she had became a headmistress for 10 years. Though Ani is a top scorer in her school, she never stepped her foot into the A class (in Malaysia, we all know that A class was for the brightest set of students in the school). Why? When Ani was in Form 1, she only managed to get average results in her exams and accepted the fact that she only able to place herself in the C class. But when she was in Form 2, she got the 1st overall ranking among the Form 2 students and only managed to place herself in the B class. During that year, the principal suddenly changed the system, splitting the A and B classes by the religious subject that they will take the following year. So logically, are they any Malays will be in the A class if the A class is for those who are not taking Islamic Studies?

Story 2

Muhamad applied to be a volunteer for the annual mega book sale in KL. Knowing his application will take a long time, he opted to volunteer for a programme in Zoo Negara. After 1 month since he sent his details to the organizer, he was told that his application is not accepted as he is too young (he aged 18). When he went to the book sale, he met with a sales assistant who was 17, and a Chinese. He also noticed that all the volunteers are Chinese, and he cant find any other races as volunteers there. Hence, I would like to ask, discrimination who?

Story 3

Kumar is an average government servant who worked for 10 years with this one government department. His colleagues know him as a very diligent worker, rarely take any days off and always be in the office on time. A few months later, a Chinese young man joined his department. Working together as a team, his Chinese colleague gained promotion after just 1 year of working. When he reviewed his performance marks, he noticed that his mark was extremely lower than the new guy, caused him to confront his Chinese boss later on.

Well those 3 stories are based on real stories with the names changed and I hope no one will take any actions or any other legal accusations on my stories above.  Here, I just want to show you how discrimination are not started by the Malays (like other Malaysians said) but it was started by the other side of society in this country. 1Malaysia spirit, a very brilliant idea from our Prime Minister but seems its more to be idealistic rather than realistic. How can we live in a country that literally against racism but only for the advantage for another side? Is that the real justice we've been seeking for? I have no sense of racism, but I can sense fascism among races nowadays.

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