Wednesday, December 28, 2011


 Meet Afieq Azwa, my batch leader in Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah.. Well, after 3 years leading us in the school, he once offered by a school of intelligence (that goes by the name Permata Pintar) in Malaysia. So, he decided to move to that school (but still no real decisions). The thing that puzzled me right now is that, if Azwa out from my school, who the one that will take the responsibility as the batch leader? Of course there's someone who once told the most qualified candidate to be the next batch leader but actually, I can't see anyone else that I can follow him. As you all already now, Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah is a fully residential school for boys. Being a leader to lead boys in a school in not an easy stuff. But Azwa got it all.. He's a packaged guy.. Got intelligence in the brain, got the stamina and talent for the sports and the golden in him is his leadership quality.

 Take a look at him.. He's quite good looking. I've told you he's packaged and nearly perfect. I bet no one else can replace him. Who else can be this whizkid? He can be a Malaysian leader and saviour for the future.. Well, if God had written he had to go to Permata Pintar, so, go on. We'll just pray for your success.. Eventhough there maybe a replacement for him during the intake of freshly new F4, I can say to you all of the SASSIANS will not make that such guy as a replacement.

 Well Azwa, I hope you read my first wish to you. I hope you change your mind. It doesn't matter anyone else to go, BUT NOT YOU! You're the man buddy. You're the one that I can follow the steps. You're the guy that quite change my thoughts about SAS. You made a revolution during the PMR.. You're the true leader. No one else can be you unless yourself . Man, I really hope you never leave us in suffer pal.. Please change your mind.. PLEASE!!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Meet Luis Suarez and Patrice Evra. Both are playing for Liverpool and Manchester United respectively. What's going on with 'em? Seems they're not going good together. Yeah, in this situation, (where now it had become a hot topic in world of football) it shows that racism in this new era still happening. But today, I'm not going to post bout this heck of racism thing but I wanna to tell everyone here that BLOGS ARE NOT FOR CONDEMNING PEOPLE! Blogs are made to express feelings, sharing ideas and tighten the gaps between the human in the world. But, most people misused to hit people feelings, abusing 'em and done badly to 'em. To all bloggers out there, remember! If we think we are right in abusing people, don't think that you managed to escape from any punishment because what goes around comes around..


K-pop? I wonder why nowadays girls are so, so addicted with this.. Here and there and everywhere are talking bout SuJu, SnSd, and what so ever.. But, the things that kept me asking recently is, what so entertaining about this heck of k-pop stuff? My father also often ask my mom and sis the same question that I brought today. Ok I wanna share a little experience when I'm in KLIA last October. Otw to the check-in counter at block L in the airport, my father and I passed by a huge crowd of photographers and fans shoutin' this "aaaahhh, aaaahhh,". Then we're asked each other, what the heck is going on here?

Then we moved on our way to the check-in counter. We met with a quite warm staff. My dad then asked me to put his luggage on the weighing elevator. Then, my dad asked the staff, "Dik, tdi yang ramai2 tu ape? Bintang bola ker?". The staff laughed and then answered, "Tu bukan bintang bola laa bang.. Tu dia bintang K-POP yang ape ke name su.. su..". Then I intercepted their conversation, "SuJu laa.. Singkatan Super Junior.. Kalau Faezah ade ni, mesti dh kejar diorang sekali.", than I giggled..

Ok guys, what so interesting about the K-POP stuff? It's harassing me a lot.. [To KPOP fans sorry :)] Let me share to you what the hell in this world is KPOP. (I bet everyone knows better than me, I guess)

K-pop (Korean: 가요, Go) (an abbreviation of Korean pop or Korean popular music) is a musical genre consisting of dance, electropop, pop, rock, The K-Man, and R&B music originating in South Korea. In addition to music, K-pop has grown into a popular subculture among teenagers and young adults around the world, resulting in widespread interest in the fashion and style of Korean idol groups and singers.
This Genre is all about the K-Man. Through the presence of Facebook fan pages, availability on iTunes, Twitter profiles, and music videos on YouTube, the ability of the K-Man to reach a previously inaccessible audience via the Internet is driving a paradigm shift in the exposure and popularity of the genre. South Korean popular culture is today serving as a major driver of youth culture all across the Pacific Rim, with special reference to mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam. The genre is currently moving towards a position in the region, similar to that of American music in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s.

Monday, December 19, 2011


I feel like I've just seen the sun for the first time You make my life bright cuz you shine It's me and you baby, it's our time I'm livin my dream girl cuz you mine You got me skipping down the street And singin love songs all outta key I didn't smoke nothin,but i feel so high And i know why It's a love thang, it's got to be Your hearts all locked and i got the key It feels like i just won the lottery Cuz i got my girl and she got me You my new obsession, all i want to do, you my new obsession girl [chorus:]I feel on top of the world witcha baby, I wanna dance and party tonight I feel on top of the world with my lady, I'm gonna rock your body all night She make me wanna say la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, ohh I can't get you out my mind, everything you do is feelin right Remember that way you caught my eye?, I remember that way you was walking by ooh girl watch out now, you looked at me, turned around and smiled Gave me eyes, my heart went wild, hypnotized this love starts now And how do i know your real, it really doesn't matter it's the way i feel You make me feel super like the man of steel You got me going stupid picking daffodils You my new obsession, all i want to do, you my new obsession girl [chorus:]I feel on top of the world witcha baby, I wanna dance and party tonight I feel on top of the world with my lady, I'm gonna rock your body all night She make me wanna say la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, la la la la, ohh you my new obsession, you my new obsession, you my new obsession, you my new obsession, you my new obsession, all i want to do, you my new obsession girl I feel on top of the world witcha baby, I wanna dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance da da da da da da da dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance, i feel on top of the world with you baby, I wanna dance and party tonight. I feel on top of the world with my lady, I'm gonna rock your body all night.


Dalam meniti arus globalisasi ni, kalau boleh, orang2 Yahudi laknatullah akan cari walau sebesar kuman pun kelebihan kite atau bangsa2 yang cube menjatuhkan mereka suatu masa dahulu untuk diburuk-burukkan. Diorang ni terkenal sebagai penyeleweng, penyangak sejarah. Sampai kadangkala kite pun secara x tersengaja mempercayai diorang. ADOLF HITLER, seorang pemimpin Nazi Jerman.. Korang mesti pernah dgr pasal dier kan? Dan kebannyakan korang mesti ingat dier ni sebagai seorang watak jahat dalam perkembangan dunia suatu masa dahulu.. Tpi sebelum korang buat andaian tu, pernah ke tidak korang tahu yang HITLER banyak menghapuskan orang2 Yahudi yang bertapak di Jerman? Mari kite lihat HITLER yang sebenarnye.

Perkara Berkenaan HITLER Yang Disorokkan Kepada Umum 

(Berdasarkan sebuah blog dan sedikit kajian yang saya lakukan) Aku berbual dengan seorang ahli keluarga yang sedang menamatkan tesis PhD beliau dan aku amat terperanjat apabila beliau nyatakan tesis beliau berkaitan Adolf Hitler, pemimpin Nazi. Maka aku katakan "Takkan dah habis semua tokoh Islam di dunia ini sampai kamu memilih si ***** ini dijadikan tajuk?" Beliau ketawa lalu bertanya apa yang aku ketahui tentang Hitler. Aku lalu menjawab bahawa Hitler seorang pembunuh yang membunuh secara berleluasa dan meletakkan German mengatasi segala-galanya...lalu dia bertanya dari mana sumber aku. Aku menjawab sumberku dari TV pastinya. Lalu dia berkata : " Baiklah, pihak British telah melakukan lebih dahsyat dari itu...pihak Jepun semasa zaman Emperor mereka juga sama...tapi kenapa dunia hanya menghukum Hitler dan meletakkan kesalahan malahan memburukkan nama Nazi seolah-olah Nazi masih wujud hari ini sedangkan mereka melupakan kesalahan pihak British kepada Scotland, pihak Jepun kepada dunia dan pihak Afrika Selatan kepada kaum kulit hitam mereka?". Aku lantas meminta jawapan dari beliau. Beliau menyambung : "Ada dua sebab: -
1. Prinsip Hitler berkaitan Yahudi, Zionisme dan penubuhan negara Israel. Hitler telah melancarkan Holocaust untuk menghapuskan Yahudi kerana beranggapan Yahudi akan menjahanamkan dunia pada suatu hari nanti.
2. Prinsip Hitler berkaitan Islam. Hitler telah belajar sejarah kerajaan terdahulu dan umat yang lampau, dan beliau telah menyatakan bahawa ada tiga tamadun yang terkuat, iaitu Parsi, Rome dan Arab. Ketiga-tiga tamadun ini telah menguasai dunia satu ketika dulu dan Parsi serta Rome telah mengembangkan tamadun mereka hingga hari ini, manakala Arab pula lebih kepada persengketaan sesama mereka sahaja. Beliau melihat ini sebagai satu masalah kerana Arab akan merosakkan Tamadun Islam yang beliau telah lihat begitu hebat satu ketika dulu.

Atas rasa kagum beliau pada Tamadun Islam, beliau telah mencetak risalah berkaitan Islam dan diedarkan kepada tentera Nazi semasa perang, walaupun kepada tentera yang bukan Islam. Beliau juga telah meberi peluang kepada tentera German yang beragama Islam untuk menunaikan solat ketika masuk waktu di mana jua...bahkan tentera German pernah bersolat di dataran Berlin dan Hitler ketika itu mennggu sehingga mereka tamat solat jemaah untuk menyampaikan ucapan beliau... Hitler juga sering bertemu dengan para Ulamak dan meminta pendapat mereka serta belajar dari mereka tentang agama dan kisah para sahabat dalam mentadbir... Beliau juga meminta para Sheikh untuk mendampingi tentera beliau bagi mendoakan mereka yang bukan Islam dan memberi semangat kepada yang beragama Islam untuk membunuh Yahudi... Semua maklumat ini ialah hasil kajian sejarah yang dilakukan oleh saudara aku untuk tesis PhD beliau dan beliau meminta aku tidak menokok tambah apa-apa supaya tidak menyusahkan beliau untuk membentangkannya nanti. Beliau tidak mahu aku campurkan bahan dari internet kerana aku bukan pakar bidang sejarah. Tetapi gambar-gambar yang ada di sini sudah lama tersebar dan semua orang boleh melihatnya di internet. Aku juga sedaya upaya mencari maklumat tambahan di internet dan berjumpa beberapa perkara :

1: Pengaruh Al-Quran di dalam ucapan Hitler. Ketika tentera Nazi tiba di Moscow, Hitler berhajat menyampaikan ucapan. Dia memerintahkan penasihat-penasihatnya untuk mencari kata-kata pembukaan yang hebat tak kira dari kitab agama, kata-kata ahli falsafah ataupun dari bait syair. Seorang sasterawan Iraq yang bermastautin di German mencadangkan ayat Al-Quran: (اقتربت الساعة وانشق القمر) bermaksud : Telah hampir Hari Kiamat dan bulan akan terbelah... Hitler berasa kagum dengan ayat ini dan menggunakannya sebagai kalam pembukaan dan isi kandungan ucapan beliau. Memang para ahli tafsir menghuraikan bahawa ayat tersebut bermaksud kehebatan, kekuatan dan memberi maksud yang mendalam. Perkara ini dinyatakan oleh Hitler di dalam buku beliau Mein Kampf yang ditulis di dalam penjara bahawa banyak aspek tindakan beliau berdasarkan ayat Al-Quran, khususnya yang berkaitan tindakan beliau ke atas Yahudi...
2. Hitler bersumpah dengan nama Allah yang Maha Besar. Hitler telah memasukkan sumpah dengan nama Allah yang Maha Besar di dalam ikrar ketua tenteranya yang akan tamat belajar di akademi tentera German. " Aku bersumpah dengan nama Allah (Tuhan) yang Maha Besar dan ini ialah sumpah suci ku,bahawa aku akan mentaati semua perintah ketua tentera German dan pemimpinnya Adolf Hitler, pemimpin bersenjata tertinggi, bahawa aku akan sentiasa bersedia untuk berkorban dengan nyawaku pada bila-bila waktu demi pemimpin ku"
3. Hitler telah enggan meminum beer (arak) pada ketika beliau gementar semasa keadaan German yang agak goyah dan bermasalah. Ketika itu para doktor mencadangkan beliau minum beer sebagai ubat dan beliau enggan, sambil mangatakan " Bagaimana anda ingin suruh seseorang itu minum arak untuk tujuan perubatan sedangkan beliau tidak pernah seumur hidupnya menyentuh arak?" Ya, Hitler tidak pernah menjamah arak sepanjang hayat beliau...minuman kebiasaan beliau ialah teh menggunakan uncang khas... Bukanlah tujuan penulisan ini untuk membela apa yang dilakukan oleh Hitler, tetapi ianya bertujuan untuk menyingkap apa yang disembunyikan oleh pihak Barat. Semoga kita semua beroleh manfaat. Tetapi jika dipikir secara waras ada kemungkinan benarnya kerana dunia barat dikuasai oleh Yahudi dan mengapa mereka memburukkan HITLER kerana mereka bimbang ada pemimpin sepertinya yang muncul sekali lagi untuk menghapus mereka dari dunia ini selamanya!


PENILAIAN MENENGAH RENDAH... A public examination that is taken by all F3 (15 years old students) in Malaysia to test their ability throughout their lower-secondary school years.. 8 subjects were tested in this second grandest exam after SPM.. Everybody (including me) are made compulsory to take this exam (cuz this is a country education law!). This exam also give another chance for daily school students to make themselves into the boarding schools. Well for me, scoring 8A's for this exam is a MUST and I hope I can achieve what I want. Man, everyday, my mind and my soul always quarrel each other..(One side said I can get 8A while another side opposes it.. What do you know, eventhough there is quite a huge confidence on my results, I still feeling like to wiggle..(Ahaks).. What is the best solution anyway? D.0.A of course! What the heck is this acronym stands for? There's no acronym, short forms etc. buddy.. Its your PRAYER! Our prayer will show us what will we get... Another great solution for this is tawakkal.. Allah S.W.T told us to surrender to Him after all efforts that you've done... So, what ur waitin' for? Do as much prayers as you can cuz PMR results is just days around...

Yes man.. 8A is my dream, my batch's dream, my school's dream and everyone's dream.. Dreams are not forever.. Dreams are going to be made a reality...

Hope this 22nd December celebration will be like this for FIGHTERS 0913.. AMIN!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


For the 1st time eva, I will post this in BM!! Jadi ape yang aku nak cakap nih? Korang mesti biase kan dgr org sekeliling ckp kawan makan kawan? Kenape kite mesti nk kenekan kawan kite sendir sedangkan tanpa kite sedari kawan kite tu dh wat macam2 utk bahagiakan kite..

Mengapa mesti kita pulau sesame sendiri sedangkan kite ni Islam? Orang Yahudi Laknatullah tu pun x kite pulau.. Malah, kite support diorang.. Nauzubillahi min zalik, x kan korang x tau hukum membantu orang kafir yang memerangi kite.. Dosa tu.. Kite aniaya lagi saudara seislam kite.. Kita jatuhkan dier.. Kita hina kita buruk-burukkan dier.. Ape jadahnye kite nie? Camni ker gayenye nk jawab kat Munkar dan Nakir yang saudara kita ialah orang2 Islam?

Sedar laa balik bagi anda yang terasa. Bayangkan setiap sen yang anda bayar di Mcdonald's adalah sebutir peluru untuk kepala anak2 Palestin. Kite bukan main liat nak letak 50 sen dalam tabung yang akan disalurkan kepade mereka. KEJAMNYE KITE, NAK PERTAHANKAN SAUDARA SENDIRI PUN SUSAH.. ASTAGHFIRULLAHALAZIM..

Manusia zaman sekarang ni memang terlalu pentingkan harta, pangkat dan name. Sampai kekadang kite lupe, kenape kite nak sume tu.. Mari kite imbas balik, harta atau name simplenya, duit. Kite nak duit supaya kite boleh idup, maksudnye boleh makan minum beli tempat tinggal dan bayar keperluan lain. tapi kalau duit kite melebihi keperluan, ape yang terjadi? Ni laa dier di mane berlakunye gadoh2, perang... etc.. Pernahkan dgr perkataan SEDEKAH? Bersedekahlah, sesungguhnye sedekah itu menyucikan harta.. X kira laa brape bnyk pun korang nk sedekah, asalkan perbuatan korang itu ikhlas dari hati korang.. Sedekah ni dh x name sedekah yang ikhlas kalau korang bagi RM 50, 000 tpi panggil sume wartawan ape sume... Tu plak orang panggil RIAK...

Bertaubat wahai sahabat. Insafilah perbuatan korang.. Kan korang tau, setiap saat amalan yang ko lakukan dicatat oleh Raqib dan Atid.Kite sume ni kan sume nak masuk syurga. So, RENUNG-RENUNGKAN DAN SELAMAT BERAMAL!!


"You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."

Meet Malcolm X, an African American Muslim minister and human rights activist. To his admirers he was a courageous advocate for the rights of African Americans, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans. Detractors accused him of preaching racism, black supremacy, antisemitism, and violence. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history. Malcolm X's father died—killed by white supremacists, it was rumored—when he was young, and at least one of his uncles was lynched. When he was thirteen, his mother was placed in a mental hospital, and he was placed in a series of foster homes. In 1946, at age 20, he went to prison for breaking and entering.

Malcolm X's expressed beliefs changed substantially over time. As a spokesman for the Nation of Islam he taught black supremacy and advocated separation of black and white Americans—in contrast to the civil rights movement's emphasis on integration. After breaking with the Nation of Islam in 1964—saying of his association with it, "I was a zombie then ... pointed in a certain direction and told to march"—and becoming a Sunni Muslim, he disavowed racism and expressed willingness to work with civil rights leaders, though still emphasizing black self-determination and self defense.


"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.", quoted the legendary Indian Father of Independence, Mohandas Gandhi. A great leader will protect and defend the legacy and culture of the country. But, where do leaders are born? Actually leaders are not born, but the are made. Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah was a place where true knights of our country are trained to become the nation's leader one day.


SAS was established as a result of the National Education Policy under the Razak Report of 1958. The Malay vernacular secondary school system began in 1958; however SAS was the first Malay school to offer Form 6 (pre-university) classes. SAS takes pride as being the first fully residential or Sekolah Berasrama Penuh (SBP) Malay medium school in the country.

The start of construction of the school was planned together with that of the Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas (MPIK) (Special Teachers' Training College), Jalan Cheras in 1958; however this was delayed to 1961. The school was completed in 1962, at a cost of RM3.0 million. On 7 February 1963, SAS enrolled its first students. His Majesty the Second Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Marhum Sultan Hisamuddin Alam Shah Al-Haj ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah, consented the use of His Majesty's name (Alam Shah) on the school. The first principal was Mr. Halimi bin Haji Sharbaini and his name is now given to one of SAS' residences, Halimi.

On 7 March 1964, the school was officially opened by His Majesty the then Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj ibni Almarhum Sultan Hisamuddin Alam Shah, with the Selangor Menteri Besar and the Minister of Education.

The first intake consisted of students from Forms 4-6, including 8 female students in Form Lower 6. In 1974, enrolment of Form 1 students began and in 1972, the school halted the intake of female students with the opening of a girls' residential school, Sekolah Seri Puteri. Meanwhile, the enrolment of National University of Malaysia (UKM) matriculation students began in 1975 and was ended in 1998.

On 26 April 2003, after some resistance from the alumni of Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah (ASAS), students and teachers, the school shifted premises to a new 142,000 m2 campus in Putrajaya. The move into the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC)-designated city was in line with the school's status as a smart school. The old premises in Bandar Tun Razak now house a new school, Alam Shah Science School (ASiS).

Batch in SAS

Based on the year 2011:-

F2: PIRATES 1014
F4: JERKS 0812

*NOTE: The batch name is earned by the F1'S that is gained from their first year of school F5'S.. Let's say the current year of F5 batch name is WARRIORS, the F1 will also called WARRIORS.


Every F3 students in Malaysia now still puzzled as the PMR 2011 results announcement still a huge question mark. Well, as a F3 student, I also felt what the other F3 felt. Gossips that said it will be on 22nd December 2011 cannot be fully trusted as it goes by the spelling, G.O.S.S.I.P.S... After all, I would like to wish all F3 good luck.. And we're hoping for the best from us.. Do more prayers as well as your good deeds and may Allah S.W.T. pay you good fortune.. :)


Meet Bruno Alves, a Portugal international and F.C. Porto defender. He had been quite famous since helping F.C. Porto to win 1st Europa League title after 4 years since Mourinho left the club. What so special about him? Well, moneybags club had been linked with him.. Hahaha, actually, I'm not going to talk bout this.. It is EPL season everyone! What the hell of EPL anyway?

The Premier League is an English professional league for association football clubs. At the top of the English football league system, it is the country's primary football competition. Contested by 20 clubs, it operates on a system of promotion and relegation with The Football League. The Premier League is a corporation in which the 20 member clubs act as shareholders. Seasons run from August to May, with teams playing 38 matches each, totalling 380 matches in the season. Most games are played on Saturdays and Sundays, with a few games played during weekday evenings. It was known as the Premiership from 1993 to 2007. It is currently sponsored by Barclays Bank and therefore officially known as the Barclays Premier League.

The competition formed as the FA Premier League on 20 February 1992 following the decision of clubs in the Football League First Division to break away from The Football League, which was originally founded in 1888, and take advantage of a lucrative television rights deal. The Premier League has since become the world's most watched association football league.[1] It is the world's most lucrative football league in terms of revenue, with combined club revenues of over £2 billion in 2008–09.[2] It is ranked first in the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) coefficients of leagues based on performances in European competitions over the last five years, ahead of Spain's La Liga and Germany's Bundesliga.[3]

Since 1888, a total of 23 clubs have been crowned champions of the English football system. Of the 45 clubs to have competed since the inception of the Premier League in 1992, four have won the title: Manchester United (12 titles) Arsenal (3), Chelsea (3) and Blackburn Rovers (1). The current champions are Manchester United, who won the title in the 2010–11 season.

Sunday, December 04, 2011


Well, we already know that people nowadays often doing some good-for-nothing sacrifices to earn much money as they could for reason: to build a 'life'..

But actually, what is life really refers to? Life is survival.... Or in the other words, our continuity in the world.. And that is why we need to get money for life

Although money is precious in life, but money are not paying everything... Money also destructs our humanity and cause lots of problems for us.. What should we do then? Let us RISE ABOVE THE HATE!!! What the heck is this RISE stuff about?

Here it goes, rising ourselves above the the world of hate and mean. Money can't buy happiness and enjoyment. Money destructs us every second as the clock ticking. Money kills people everyday. Don't you all think money lead us to destruction? Think about it. Choose your best way of life. And the main thing is, don't let money conquer us. ;)