Tuesday, December 20, 2011


K-pop? I wonder why nowadays girls are so, so addicted with this.. Here and there and everywhere are talking bout SuJu, SnSd, and what so ever.. But, the things that kept me asking recently is, what so entertaining about this heck of k-pop stuff? My father also often ask my mom and sis the same question that I brought today. Ok I wanna share a little experience when I'm in KLIA last October. Otw to the check-in counter at block L in the airport, my father and I passed by a huge crowd of photographers and fans shoutin' this "aaaahhh, aaaahhh,". Then we're asked each other, what the heck is going on here?

Then we moved on our way to the check-in counter. We met with a quite warm staff. My dad then asked me to put his luggage on the weighing elevator. Then, my dad asked the staff, "Dik, tdi yang ramai2 tu ape? Bintang bola ker?". The staff laughed and then answered, "Tu bukan bintang bola laa bang.. Tu dia bintang K-POP yang ape ke name su.. su..". Then I intercepted their conversation, "SuJu laa.. Singkatan Super Junior.. Kalau Faezah ade ni, mesti dh kejar diorang sekali.", than I giggled..

Ok guys, what so interesting about the K-POP stuff? It's harassing me a lot.. [To KPOP fans sorry :)] Let me share to you what the hell in this world is KPOP. (I bet everyone knows better than me, I guess)

K-pop (Korean: 가요, Go) (an abbreviation of Korean pop or Korean popular music) is a musical genre consisting of dance, electropop, pop, rock, The K-Man, and R&B music originating in South Korea. In addition to music, K-pop has grown into a popular subculture among teenagers and young adults around the world, resulting in widespread interest in the fashion and style of Korean idol groups and singers.
This Genre is all about the K-Man. Through the presence of Facebook fan pages, availability on iTunes, Twitter profiles, and music videos on YouTube, the ability of the K-Man to reach a previously inaccessible audience via the Internet is driving a paradigm shift in the exposure and popularity of the genre. South Korean popular culture is today serving as a major driver of youth culture all across the Pacific Rim, with special reference to mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam. The genre is currently moving towards a position in the region, similar to that of American music in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s.

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