Wednesday, December 28, 2011


 Meet Afieq Azwa, my batch leader in Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah.. Well, after 3 years leading us in the school, he once offered by a school of intelligence (that goes by the name Permata Pintar) in Malaysia. So, he decided to move to that school (but still no real decisions). The thing that puzzled me right now is that, if Azwa out from my school, who the one that will take the responsibility as the batch leader? Of course there's someone who once told the most qualified candidate to be the next batch leader but actually, I can't see anyone else that I can follow him. As you all already now, Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah is a fully residential school for boys. Being a leader to lead boys in a school in not an easy stuff. But Azwa got it all.. He's a packaged guy.. Got intelligence in the brain, got the stamina and talent for the sports and the golden in him is his leadership quality.

 Take a look at him.. He's quite good looking. I've told you he's packaged and nearly perfect. I bet no one else can replace him. Who else can be this whizkid? He can be a Malaysian leader and saviour for the future.. Well, if God had written he had to go to Permata Pintar, so, go on. We'll just pray for your success.. Eventhough there maybe a replacement for him during the intake of freshly new F4, I can say to you all of the SASSIANS will not make that such guy as a replacement.

 Well Azwa, I hope you read my first wish to you. I hope you change your mind. It doesn't matter anyone else to go, BUT NOT YOU! You're the man buddy. You're the one that I can follow the steps. You're the guy that quite change my thoughts about SAS. You made a revolution during the PMR.. You're the true leader. No one else can be you unless yourself . Man, I really hope you never leave us in suffer pal.. Please change your mind.. PLEASE!!!!

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